Wicked are those who wish to watch the world burn.
Clueless are those who believe climate change and global warming are nothing but conspiracy theories.
And broken are those who wish to see and bring change,
but fail to reach out to this blinded world.
I wish nothing more but to reminisce and lay under the grand oak trees that fill and bore life into my lungs.
I wish nothing more but to watch whales swim across the glimmering horizons of the deep blue seas.
I wish nothing more but to watch man build each other,
and not suppress,not oppress one another.
I wish nothing more but to watch life blossom before my eyes,
and embrace all the beauty this world has to offer.
But I witness the murder of the once were grand and ancient oak trees.
Where they are manufactured into foot stools and dinner tables to please man.
I witness the massacre of all marine life,
as it becomes poisoned and choked to death by man's waste and trash.
I horrifically glare at nature's kingdom,
as I witness it fall to the feet of man begging for mercy.
It's subjects becoming slaves,
it's warriors beheaded and becoming trophies hung on walls,
and it's ruler...
(sigh) poor Mother Nature,
I witness its ruler being laid to eternal rest as man reigns upon its victorious coup.
As I witness these horrific events,
I turn to man,
only to be at awe by how it turns a blind eye.
I hear the wicked claim,"No wrong is being done."
I hear the clueless claim,"Oh well,there's nothing we can possibly do,we're just ordinary people."
And I turn to the broken to see them at the forefront of humankind,
pleading humans to wake up because they are endangered too.
I can't help but feel pity for humanity,
I can't help but feel sorrowful towards this dying world.
Here I stand at the forefront of humanity,
between man and its destructive consequences.
Like a suffering mad man that holds visions to the future,
I yield a sign in my hands that states,"The end is near".
I plead to humanity, "Wake up humans you're endangered too",
only to be considered psychotic and ignored by man.
Here lies man,
conquering each and every aspect of life.
Like a cruel and heartless tyrant,
it terrorizes its subjects and turns its kingdom against itself.
"Good show,Good show,I say",claims the wicked.
as the Earth is up in flames,
weakened by racism and prejudice behaviours,
broken down by wars and mass shootings and extorted by corrupt and greedy leaders.
I experience more visions,
I see man's world darkened and never to experience the warmth of the sun,
but instead become burnt by it's rays.
The ozone layer is of no more.
We wear gas masks as a means of survival.
The future generation...
never to experience trees filling their lungs with life,
never to watch whales swim across the glimmering horizons of the deep blue seas.
As there are no trees,
there is no animal life,
man is endangered.