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Wicked are those who wish to watch the world burn. Clueless are those who believe climate change and global warming are nothing but...

Lost nation

Here lies the end of potential for change, one of a larger range. Here lies the broken dreams of the young, flowing within streams,here...

The Journey to the endless possibilities

You ever just wake up one day and get pumped for the day,just an adrenaline rush to take on the world? Now imagine if you constantly had...

The racism and racial inequality project

The fight is still on! Answer these few survey questions and go to bed knowing you've contributed to change,to a revolution no matter how...

Racial equality for all

Help us get to the bottom of racial inequalities by answering a few questions and help us come up with possible solutions that could help...

I wish I'd said more

Heart open like the ocean, everything's moving in slow motion, like a poisonous potion. Mind free, eyes open but I ain't coping... As if...

"I don't see race"

One would say we're all currently in a world where one is stepping on eggshells when it comes to matters concerning race.Whereas if you...

S.alvage O.ur S.ystem

At this day and age I thought we wouldn't have to explain this again. The agony and the pain, the devastation and the strain, the outrage...

Respect our existence or expect resistance.

Yet another inhumane injustice has been bestowed upon us. No,it's not gender based violence,no it's not patriarchy,not rape or any sort...

We no longer want to comply for we wish to fly.

As a nation in which depends on the youth and the children of the world,we are hesitant when it comes to fully equipping the modern...

For my mother.

To the woman whom embraces and understands my aesthetic soul, To the woman whom inspires me to reach each and every goal. You are...

Don't be so hollow,or civilization will be swallowed.

Insane climate change,uncontrollably dangerous global warming,wars,corruption,hate,injustices,unnecessary massacres and just a lack of...


Broken are the hearts that have loved and received none back. Broken are those whom lack the strength to break the shackles of heartache....

Our aesthetic euphoria

We danced like flickering candles around the fire. Whistled and whispered with the wind in which we admired. Playing tracks of The...

I see humans but no humanity.

Everyday we witness injustices and irrelevant attitudes certain people have towards others,yet we still choose to ignore our humanity and...

The death of a toxic society has officially done damage of a variety. All the mimicks and all its gimmicks . All the hate which led to its horrible fate....

A World worth fighting for.

Although many may and have questioned how I,as a fifteen year old girl that lives in the raw yet pure soils of South Africa,can provide...

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