Everyday we witness injustices and irrelevant attitudes certain people have towards others,yet we still choose to ignore our humanity and be bystanders to all the social,political and economic issues and oppressions around us.
We choose to be scapegoats and accept or ignore prejudice actions and attitudes around the globe.
I see humans but no humanity...
Our world is of a rich man's war and a poor man's blood.
Some of us live luscious lifestyles and work even harder to earn more money.We're so poor that all we have is money.We exploit the vulnerable and powerless just so we can gain more power,superiority,fame and the most prized possession...money.
Therefore leaving these hardworking civilised people left with nothing,making it harder for them to place food on the table and a roof over their heads.
Money is nothing but a piece of paper that controls our entire lives!
The system has been corrupted all over the world,who's to say we're all equal in the face of the government?
Who's to say equality is still in our vocabulary?
Who's to say we're all liberated and not caught in the shackles of oppression?
Who's to say we're still a unified nation?
We are a nation of sheep ruled by wolves owned by pigs where we are told we are free but it's not entirely true.We are free as long as they control our resources,land,currency,military,education,internet and justice!
We can fund wars but not feed the poor.
We can fight against those whom reject to conform to our social norms but we can't fight those whom find it right to use their fists to be superior to women?
To avoid criticism we say nothing,do nothing and be nothing...
Who's to say we still are humans?
We were humans until race disconnected us,religion separated us,politics divided us and money classified us.
It's very difficult to not give in to the old norms of our ancestors' broken mentalities.
People of the same gender whom choose to be with another were tortured and brutally killed and now that in our generation it has come to life again,people see it as a parasite that needs to be brutalized out of someone's body and soul.We witness brutalities of transsexuals,homosexuals and bisexuals everyday,we witness families shatter due to this unfamiliar yet common rise and people only choose to see it as a reign of terror unto their sons and daughters and choose to beat it out of their children.
Why do we choose to hate something we don't understand?
It's time we choose to change our ideologies,mentalities,morals and values and conform to the love and compassion we all deserve.
Let's finally create some radical change,rewrite history without any bloodshed and hate which we plant in the seeds of the world's innocent children. Let's plant seeds of humanity in the hearts of the young,confused,vulnerable and free and enjoy the fruits of love,peace and happiness they shall come bearing.
For I no longer want to see humans but instead I wish to feel humanity again.