Yet another inhumane injustice has been bestowed upon us. No,it's not gender based violence,no it's not patriarchy,not rape or any sort of sexism,discrimination or stereotypical behaviour. It's one of the milestones some of us fail to understand,process and evaluate.
Prejudice behaviour,that's it,the devil which has lurked through the hearts of the ignorant,arrogant and despicable for centuries. As people of colour,great numbers of us become victims of these prejudice injustices and many of us eventually pay the price for it whether it's because we're of a certain race,categorised as weak and incapable or dangerous and cunning. As much as we break through all boundaries which only prove a point for so long,preaching and teaching the same facts time and time again,only becomes infuriating and darkens one's heart.
If you're not outraged then you clearly aren't paying attention nor are you aware of the inevitable cruelty black and brown people face everyday of their lives.We're tired of being the outraged black and brown people who have to fight just to avenge an innocent life's death,murder or slaughter.Yet they say we should respect this system but how can we respect it when there is no respect in it for us?
When will the system kick in,when will the humanity kick in,when will this passionate hatred for each other burn out?
Clearly,this system wasn't designed for people like us because a system can never fail those it was designed to protect and serve.
We protest,shout and scream,encounter and play roles in risky decisions we've decided to take upon and yet you still don't see or respect us!
This is what we've become of,furious people whom just seek to be heard and for some sort of change to take action so we don't fear for our people's lives.
Yet here we are...
Heed these words as this is the last compliance we have left within us for we shall not fall before the system nor the serpents behind it.
If you prick us,do we not bleed
If you poison us,do we not die
If you wrong us,shall we not avenge
And if you do not respect our existence, shall we not show you resistance?