As a nation in which depends on the youth and the children of the world,we are hesitant when it comes to fully equipping the modern generation with all this future.
One fears that this same generation isn't capable of any positive revolutionary change and ends up committing a decision which will ruin "the teenager" forever...
Most parents mould their children to become a model of a vague concept of what they wish society's millenials could become of.
They plan out their children's futures from the time they're born and make all the necessary decisions for their future and as these vulnerable children grow into "the teenager",they feel trapped,broken,empty and they're not able to differentiate what they want with what their parents want and not only does this emotionally and mentally destroy "the teenager" but it leaves it to a state where as he or she cannot identify themselves or seek what they yearn for.
Where does this lead us as a society,you ask?
Well it leaves us to millions of broken and hunger stricken souls which yearn for an identity in which is of their own and not their parents'.
This leads us to an ocean of lost souls which feel misunderstood and purposeless which brings us back to the question which most teenagers ask themselves,
"What will we do with all this future?"
You can educate us all you want but we all have our own dreams and talents whether we've identified them yet or not,this time in which we share now...this time in which you waste by forcing us to comply to decisions you approve of,is the time in which we want to explore and discover ourselves.
A time where instead of you forcing me to join a chess club or violin lessons,I could be skating,songwriting,sketching or recording an awesome track in my room.
A time where instead of you forcing me to attending extra Maths classes I could be joining art class with my friends and discovering a hidden talent.
A time where instead of you forcing me to attend work with you during the summer,I could be taking dance class or exploring different places with my friends and making memories which will change my life and in which I'll cherish till the day I die.
A time where I can take the most secretive secrets in which my friend shared with me at a sleepover to my grave.
A time where I make friends,secure bonds and relationships,explore,have fun and discover weird quirks and hidden laughs I would've never discovered in summer school,at your office or in any of the classes and schedules you throw my way in which I tackle and fail to see any beauty in.
So here I am,telling you today that we do not need any fixing when it comes to us millenials,all we need is time,love and your understanding.
With these three powerful elements,we'll be able to provide you with a future in which our historic leaders had never dreamt of in their wildest dreams.
A future where corruption,politics,inequality and race discussions won't be an everyday problem anymore but a future where one is free to express oneself in a way in which they can contribute they're talents and hobbies to society in beneficial ways which improve the future generation's way of living.